Unfortunately, this one doesn't work with jQuery 1.5 in Firefox 3. One of the reasons is the readyState was changed to 0 after $.ajax loaded the xml and xslt files. Below is my fix by replacing line 84-118 in jquery.xslt.js with the following:
var change = function() { if (xm.readyState == xs.readyState && !transformed) { var processor = new XSLTProcessor(); if ($.isFunction(processor.transformDocument)) { // obsolete Mozilla interface resultDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null); processor.transformDocument(xm.responseXML, xs.responseXML, resultDoc, null); target.html(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(resultDoc)); } else { processor.importStylesheet(xs.responseXML); resultDoc = processor.transformToFragment(xm.responseXML, document); target.empty().append(resultDoc); } transformed = true; } }; if (str.test(xml)) { xm.responseXML = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "text/xml"); } else { xm = $.ajax({ dataType: "xml", url: xml}); } if (str.test(xslt)) { xs.responseXML = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xslt, "text/xml"); } else { xs = $.ajax({ dataType: "xml", url: xslt}); } change(); return this;Will contact the author and update the post later...
(Update: the author hasn't responded, but I created a better solution here.)
Ref: xslt.js version 3.2
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